Hi, my name is Anthony. I’m an electrical power engineer living in Taranaki, New Zealand.
The picture you see in the banner picture was taken from my house looking west across to Port Taranaki.
For as long as I can remember, I have always enjoyed maths and science, and I enjoy keeping on learning. Of late (since early 2009) , environmentalism, especially climate change, is my pet topic.
But that’s for now – it might change later. As climate changes naturally, so might I.
Enjoy the posts whoever you might be.
I’m so glad that the internet allows free info like this!
I was really confused, and this answered all my questions.
I’m appreciating exploring the future also, it is difficult to tell on a short time-scale and with incomplete knowledge what the long term effects of our decisions in energy use over the last 100 years will be. I appreciate and value your search for truth and the optimal answer – it’s a hard road that needs dedicated study, and the refusal to be satisfied with easy platitudes.
I’ve thought long and hard and observed in engineering and modern life the wastefulness of a consumer society that doesn’t adequately value the earth and non-renewable resources. I’ve watched An Inconvenient Truth and agreed that there is a problem, regardless if carbon is the driver or not. I’ve presented on the topic of sustainable energy and electricity a number of times, and my conclusion is that unless we optimise and aim for sustainability, while oushing innovation for “game-breaking” energy technology, our future generations will not enjoy the amazing luxury, personal freedom and health that plentiful and reliable energy and electricity has provided the developed world. If the developing world is to also aspire to the same benefits, the world as we know it is not enough. There are a couple of simple outcomes:
1. If we cannot find new or sustainable sources of energy that either don’t involve carbon, or if carbon is not an issue, a sustainable and diversified fuel mix that doesn’t poison or deplete our environmental capital, we are destined for a simpler, local lifestyle where we travel by bike, horse or foot, or fit in with mass public transport solutions, we communicate much more virtually,and personal cars and aircraft transport is the perserve of the few, rich people or corporations.
2. We continue to innovate, appropriately value and balance our environment and unlock with step-change technology develpment and efficiency improvements the concentrated renewable power of the earth – hydro, geothermal, and solar thermal , potentially solar photo voltaic.
There is too much sub-economic enthusiasm about so called renewable solutions like biofuels from food (with significant human impacts), wave, tidal power and at present, wind energy and sub-economic geothermal. Development in theses areas should continue but those technologies at present can’t foot it on a level economic playing field. It’s with clear-eyed economic tests that we determine the short and medium term sustainability of solutions, as long as the societal and environmental aspects are adequately considered.
Pete Armstrong
Peter, what is “perserve”? I’ve read your treatise! Fairly wordy and just a wee bit off topic, but what I would expect from a keen young electrical engineer …
– So, it is by economic tests that we gauge our efforts? I’m sure “National” would agree!
Climate Change is a fact of life, and has occured over all time periods, and it is predominantly if not completely NATURAL. The only constant in Climate is Change.
CO2 (Plant Food) is not a pollutant, it is a necessity for all life on earth. All living things are Carbon based life forms, and earths current atmosphere is CO2 (Plant Food) impoverished, all living things (Plants, Animals, Humans) would benefit markedly with more of it.
Good summary Maurice. Happy to have you stop by.
AFAIC that’s the best answer so far!
Alternative Energy……Let us never forget ……..Is really an Alternative to Energy.
Watermelon Warmers do not work with FACTS.
When all the Watermelon Warmers admit their LIE
We will raise a monument into the SKY
A monument of solid CARBON
To commemorate their BOGUS BARGAIN
Atmospheric CO2 (Plant Food) is in short supply in Earth’s atmosphere, thankfully the first 20 ppmv provide most of its warming potential, however atmospheric water vapour H2O provides much more warming, making Earth more habitual for all living things.
And never forget Man Made or Natural CO2 is the same molecule, one atom CARBON two atoms OXYGEN …..PLANT FOOD.
For some visitors who might not understand the term “Watermelon Warmer”; take a look at James Delingpole’s new book, “Watermelons”.
I was googeling for Ocean Energy Turbine Test Tank and came across your About Me | Kiwi Thinker page. Unless we stop global warming the world is going to be in dire trouble.
I am surprised people are not looking at using more renewable energy like Ocean Currents sort of like CrowdEnergy.org. If we dont fix this problem now its going to get out of control.
Have a nice day, Gaugler
I don’t have anything against a variety of energy resources per se. I work in the energy industry and have even helped develop remote area power supplies which include solar panels etc. But what concerns me too is sensible economics, reliability, life length etc. Without these factors any solution will be unsustainable in the general sense of the word.
Natural global warming and cooling has been happening for millions of years. The recent increase in temperature caused by our additional co2 releases is very small in comparison to natural variations, so I don’t think it is realistic to think we can stop global warming.
And in case you didn’t know, the temperature has not risen for about 17 years now, even though co2 has increased a lot.
Nice to see another engineer challenging the alarmists who have no idea of engineering science. The alarmist talk about physics which Feynman has said starts with a guess and then is supposed to proceed experimentation to prove or disprove the guess.
Engineering science starts with experiments and then develops equations and theories to embrace the experimental results.
Stefan, developed the Stefan-Boltzmann equation from experimental data (upto temperatures of around 450C) of radiation from surfaces in a vacuum. Boltzmann (Stefan’s student) later found the the S-B equation could be derived from Planck’s black body energy flux distribution relationship. Stefan did not originally include an emissivity factor because that was included in the constant but engineers quickly pointed out that different surfaces had different radiation at the same temperature and that the emissivity varied with temperature. Chemical Engineer, Prof. Hoyt Hottel in his work with heat transfer in furnaces introduced another factor – a view factor which is necessary for non flat surfaces (eg banks of tubes in a heat exchanger or waves on ocean surface). So-called climate scientists have no understanding of engineering science.
PS I got here via Warwick Hughes’ blog
Thanks for dropping by. Appreciate the comments and some background on SB. I like Warwick Hughes blog. He has heaps of good stuff.
Anthony, congratulations on your recent WUWT guest post! Your LWR analysis appeared very concise and relevant. To be fair, I am pretty scientifically ignorant so you were casting pearls before swine… but I keep trying. Anyway, I hadn’t seen your blog before (mainly, because I wasn’t looking). I quickly skipped through some of your earlier posts and found a few additional gems so thank you for your efforts. I have been a quiet observer in the AGW non-debate since about 2009 (climate gate, Ian Wishart’s “Aircon” and A. Watts’ UHI stuff being mostly responsible). Prior I was fairly ambivalent to it all. I will never have enough mental muscle to tackle data analysis like a ‘Naki boy but I do appreciate watching others bash it around. Please keep questioning ‘the science’ so people like me can find out the answer.
Thanks. I reckon Ian Wishart’s ‘Aircon’ is one of the most useful reads on the topic.
I have only just found your site.I have also made it a mission of mine to find out the ‘truth’ about the influence that human carbon emissions have made in influencing the Earth’s climate in the significant way that has been claimed by the powerful alarmist lobby.The UN being the main propagandist.Which is alarming in itself.
This research has brought me to a measured conclusion that Earth( climate+weather) changes have been for the most part, chronologically cyclical in conjunction with the influence our Sun’s exerts with regard it’s ongoing combustive process. One interesting point I found out is that it is ‘assumed’ the Sun is about halfway through it’s ‘life’ and continues to heat up on it’s way to becoming a super nova. I used to hand print fashion fabrics with ‘natural’ dyes, not pigment, which taught me,if a process we were using had broken down and a problem had arisen. it was never just one reason,but could be because of several reasons.It was no surprise to me that I had proved at least to myself that this scenario is exactly what drives the complex natural phenomenon that is our weather and climate. These alarmist “renegade” scientists bring a constructive shame on their disciplines.Marty.
I just commented on the “bet” post – here and at Pierre’s blog.
I’ve spent a few minutes on the web learning about Taranaki. Seems like a very nice place. The volcano is nicely formed. I now live 100 miles from Mt. Saint Helens and about 60 miles from Mt Rainier; east-northeast of them. I can see the top of Rainier from my location. Seems your local one is quiet for now. I lived 250 miles east of Saint Helens when she blew – heard the sound and we got lots of very fine ash. Not fun.
I learned that the facilities of Port Taranaki were started in the late 1800s. Do you know if there are any parts remaining that are from that initial phase – or maybe an historical marker.
I ask because I try to follow the issue of sea level change. Maybe you have investigated this and point out what you know – or what someone else has done.
I’ll add your site to those that I check.
Hi John, thanks for stopping by and commenting. Taranaki is a great place to live. The climate is wonderfully normal and with the mountains and bush so close, and with the sea alongside, it makes a great range of outdoor activities available. Regarding the port development; I have not investigated this but it is something I will take look at in due course. I’ll have a look around re some information about the port and sea level records etc. I have lived in the area for coming up 57 years, and there has been a lot of land reclamation over that time as new wharves and dredging has been completed. So I think a continuos record might be hard to come by. Kind regards and wishing you all the best for the year ahead. Robin.
>> German text below <<
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am a student at the Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research (IPMZ) University of Zurich. As part of my Master's thesis, I am conducting a survey on how climate change bloggers’ perceive themselves and their role in the climate change debate.
If you blog about climate change, I would like to ask you to participate in my survey. Your contribution will help us to gain valuable insights into the field of climate change blogging.
Link to the survey: (deleted link)
The questionnaire will take about 7 minutes to fill out.
There are no right or wrong answers. I am interested in your personal opinion.
The study does not serve any commercial purpose. The data provided is solely for the purpose of scientific analysis and is evaluated anonymously.
The questionnaire can be filled out in English and German.
Please feel free to contact me if there are further questions or comments.
Angela Landolt B.A.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren
Im Rahmen meiner Masterarbeit am Institut für Publizistikwissenschaft und Medienforschung (IPMZ) der Universität Zürich führe ich eine Befragung über das Selbstverständnis von Klimawandelbloggern durch.
Falls Sie über den Klimawandel bloggen, möchte ich Sie bitten an meiner Befragung teilzunehmen. Sie leisten damit einen wesentlichen Beitrag dazu, Erkenntnisse über Ihr Tätigkeitsfeld zu gewinnen, an denen es bislang noch mangelt.
Link zur Befragung: (deleted link)
Das Ausfüllen des Fragebogens dauert etwa 7 Minuten.
Es gibt keine richtigen oder falschen Antworten. Ich bin an Ihrer persönlichen Meinung interessiert.
Die Studie dient keinem kommerziellen Zweck. Die Daten dienen ausschliesslich dem Zweck einer wissenschaftlichen Analyse und werden anonym ausgewertet.
Sie können den Fragebogen auf Deutsch oder auf Englisch ausfüllen.
Bei Fragen oder Hinweisen können Sie sich gerne bei mir melden.
Angela Landolt B.A.
Survey completed Angela.
Hi Anthony.
I think this is my second visit; both times by way of the Bishophill blog.
Are you able to share Angela’s questionnaire, and your answers?
Do you know of other climate bloggers who received it? Do you know if any others responded?
And do you know what’s happened with the survey?
I’m just curious; is this another Lewandowski, or is it an honest scientist for a change?
Hi Leo,
Am I able to share Angela’s questionnaire? – No.
Can I share my answers? – No.
I didn’t keep a copy of either. I think though, I’ll email Angela and ask her to provide a copy of both. If she responds and provides a copy, I will pass it on to you via email.
Do I know of other bloggers who received it? Yes. I was included in an email which included twenty names. Some of them said they had completed the questionnaire. Several of them author the major climate blogs.
Do I know what’s happened to the survey? – No. I’ll ask Angela this too, and let you know the response via email.
Comparing Lewandowski and Angela: No, I don’t think Angela’s survey is another Lewandowski. My guess is that Angela is a genuine scientist. The questions were not about climate science, but more around motivations to do climate blogging, what might be achieved, opinions about other communication methods. I don’t recall any questions about belief in conspiracy theories.
Hi Anthony, congratulations on your excellent blog. Particularly interested to read about your plotting of the OGLWR and ‘The climate Bet’.
I am a civil engineer (originally from North Harbour) who tumbled into the Climate debate about 10 years ago. If I’m not mistaken, it was a televised debate in NZ that featured Augie Auer and other panellists that really got me thinking; particularly the facts Augie presented made me determined to dig up more about what makes the climate work.
I found my way here through some sea level research I am doing, since many of my recent projects have involved coastal or marine engineering. Like John I’d be interested to know if you dig up anything on Taranaki sea levels. I’m always being told to “allow 1 m for sea level rise”. My own research says it’s not happening here in Brunei where I’m based. Plate tectonics are at work and it’s likely sea levels are falling around these parts.
Anyway I just took your advice and read Matt Ridley’s Angus Millar speech – it’s a classic. Thank you for pointing that one out.
Like Glen above, I have been following the non-debate since about 2005 and have a fairly extensive collection of reading material (Ian Wishart’s “Aircon” among it).
I would highly recommend John Kehr’s book ‘The Inconvenient Skeptic” as one of the best I have read on understanding the interplay of planetary cycles, solar radiation and Earth’s geography that drives climate change. John (a chemical engineer I might add) has a website also http://theinconvenientskeptic.com/johnkehrbio/
Keep up the good work Anthony.
Hi Garry,
Thanks for the encouragement and your interest in OLWIR and the Bet. I intend to update the graphs each 2 or 3 months; so come and check progress whenever you feel like it.
I have heard of John Kehr, the Inconvenient Skeptic, and have read some of his posts. An intelligent fellow who explains things well.
And lastly, on sea level records at Taranaki; I have not made much progress unfortunately. But thanks for the reminder.
Hi Anthony (Robin?),
Here is a link to a table of sea level trends produced by NOAA based on tide gauge records around the globe.
Auckland shows a trend of 1.29 mm/year, Wellington is 2.45 mm/year.
Perhaps the ‘Naki is in between those ranges?
Regards Garry
Gidday Kiwi Thinker,
Way back in 1959 I lived in New Plymouth….at the top end of Bolt Rd near the park…attended Devon Intermediate which was new then…opened 1958.
So the Westown area provides happy memories for me. NP is called the “Energy” centre of NZ. . .not only because of oil and gas exploration etc., but you and I know how energetic the climate is also….blistering sunny days, weeks of heavy rain, and a blasting wind from the mountain. I cannot fathom how anybody living there could possibly believe that we could have any effect on that.
So with that little bit of wisdom, here’s some holiday reading for you KT which I know you will enjoy…start with what passes for “education” in this country..
Here’s some more technical stuff also…
And some more entertaining stuff here also… in case you’re not convinced…..
This PSI site is currently undergoing renovations so is diabolical to navigate. There’s a whole lot of my other comments there…so I hope they and wordpress get their act together.
All the best for your future Kiwi Thinker.
We maybe flightless but at least some of us can think.
I am writing my dissertation in the United States and I have a few questions for you. Please let me know if and when you are available?
Hi Nick, happy to converse. Check Messenger.